Do you struggle with self-doubt or feel like you're holding yourself back? 

In this short and powerful online course, you'll discover how to unlock the confidence you've always had within you. 

Learn simple techniques that will help you step into any situation with 



and unstoppable belief in yourself. 

Whether it's for work, relationships, or personal growth, this free course will empower you to face challenges head-on and live with newfound confidence.

What's in it for you?

  1. Break free from self-doubt and hesitation.
  2. Learn how to speak with authority and presence.
  3. Overcome fear in social and professional situations.
  4. Boost your self-esteem and feel more in control.
  5. Develop a positive mindset that fuels your confidence.
  6. Get comfortable taking risks and seizing opportunities.
  7. Master body language and non-verbal cues to project confidence.
  8. Build resilience to handle setbacks with grace.
  9. Feel empowered to set and achieve ambitious goals.
  10. Experience a transformation in how others perceive and respond to you.

This course is your gateway to stepping into your best, most confident self—completely free!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A Message From Your Coach Susan Urban

    • How To Take Advantage Of This Course

    • Winning the Inner Game

    • Get What You Want Without A Compromise

    • Unshakable Confidence Begins Here

    • Unlock Your Power

    • Power pose

    • Bonus 1: Take Control of your Life - replay of a live workshop

    • Bonus 2: Creative Visualization Method

    • Bonus 3: World's most powerful confidence booster

    • Thank you from your coach Susan Urban

  • 2

    Next Steps...

    • Congrats! Here's what's next....More resources for you

    • Before you go...can you please help me out?

Your Coach

Susan Urban

Susan Urban

Transformational Hypnotherapist

I am truly passionate about helping you achieve the change you've been seeking - quickly and easily. Whether you are looking to break a habit, gain confidence, or simply take control of your life, my methods work fast, efficiently, and are designed to give you the lasting results you have been searching for. I can't wait to be part of your journey and help you create the life you want. I am excited to work with you soon - let's make it happen together!

Success Stories

““ I started seeing Susan during a stressful period in my life, chiefly to help address the tremendous amount of anxiety I was having around public speaking, as well as to work on my tendency toward perfectionism. When I first met Susan, I was finding it difficult to speak up in meetings at work, and was faced with the challenge of speaking at a very large conference. I felt completely overwhelmed. Susan not only gave me tools for dealing with the physical symptoms and mental anguish I experienced around public speaking, she also helped me unpack how my perfectionism was affecting my daily life. After only a short time, I was feeling much more capable of handling the stressors in my life, so much so that my partner and others around me were remarking on the difference. I am much kinder to myself now, and I can’t express how much freer I feel in my life because of that change. I highly recommend Susan’s help with tackling any anxiety issue, and for perfectionism in particular.” — Recovered Perfectionist, 53 years old”

Recovered Perfectionist

“I only wish I would have done it sooner… Susan, for as long as I can remember I had been struggling with self sabotage and critical thinking. I ruined many amazing opportunities due to this fear of success and failure. I felt lost and empty. Your program was completely transformational and worth every cent! I only wish I would have done it sooner. Even during the program, I couldn’t imagine how changed I would be in a short time. My aches and pains have disappeared, I am in much better physical condition than I have been in a long time, my stress levels have decreased significantly, and I am able to enjoy time off, especially with my family. I feel confident, happy, and excited about the future.” Chris, 42, New York”

“Taking control of your future Meeting Susan was a game-changer for me. After struggling silently for far too long, I decided to take the leap and seek her guidance. In just one session, Susan unlocked a transformational experience within me. It felt like she peeled away layers of negative thoughts that had been clouding my mind for years, allowing me to see things from a fresh perspective. I’m now embracing life as a completely new person, armed with the tools Susan has equipped me with. If you’re hesitating, don’t wait any longer – Susan’s expertise can truly change your life. Mr. A. ”

““I began working with Susan Urban after suffering through one of life’s worst seasons of depression, fearfulness, and anxiety. I was desperate for a change. I was considering therapy but not looking forward to digging around in my mind for painful memories and emotions. As a young man, I had embraced and prospered mentally and career-wise using techniques that Susan utilizes. Through the trials of life, I had forgotten about the powerfulness of these techniques. I highly recommend Susan and the work she does. She is a brilliant transformation coach/therapist. If you do the work and embrace the tools she offers, you will experience positive changes in your outlook on life. I have noticed that I look forward to continuing to learn, grow and change. Such a welcome experience. I can’t thank you enough. Just what I was looking for. You have shown such care and patience. It’s almost overwhelming, not in a bad sense, but in a joyful sense. You’ve done some amazing work in with me and I’m looking to continue to grow. Best I’ve felt in at least a year. “ — Scott Erwin, MBA, CPA, Author – Life is a Ballet”

“I feel more confident, happy, fulfilled and focused “Susan has left an enduring, positive impact on my life and I can’t thank her enough. I participated in the Total Transformation program and through the online learning and personal coaching sessions I’m more confident, happy, fulfilled and focused. I even quit drinking, which is not something I even anticipated going into the program. I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to get more out of life or perform at a level you wouldn’t have thought possible.” Thanks, Ethan”

“Life changing!!! “Going through Susan’s program has completely changed my life. It put me on a path of self discovery, self love, healing and helped me focus on what is most important – myself, my family and my purpose in this life.” Julie N., Financial Manager, St. Louis”

Hello from Susan Urban

Your favorite personal coach and hypnotherapist

I am truly passionate about helping you achieve the change you've been seeking - quickly and easily. Whether you are looking to break a habit, gain confidence, or simply take control of your life, my methods work fast, efficiently, and are designed to give you the lasting results you have been searching for. I can't wait to be part of your journey and help you create the life you want. I am excited to work with you soon - let's make it happen together!