Overcome Anxiety and Live Your Best Life!

Waking up to that alarm feels like a punch in the gut, doesn't it?

Dragging yourself to a job that just eats away at your soul. 

But imagine a different morning. 

One where you wake up, no alarm, no dread.

Just the excitement of starting your day and a new adventure.


Remember when life was simple, and worries didn’t weigh you down?

Now imagine feeling that way again—free from anxiety, full of peace and joy. 

You can finally get there without years of therapy, coping skills, vaping or prescription drugs.

When was the last time you felt truly alive and excited about your future? 

You don’t have to keep longing for that feeling - it’s in you, waiting to be unlocked. We can bring it back faster than you think. 

If feeling stuck and unappreciated has been your forever story, you can close the last chapter right now. 

Imagine what it would feel like to finally break free, to know you're worthy of more, and to live every day with purpose. It’s time to step into your power. 

Step Into Your New Life!

This is your opportunity to release anything that has been holding you back for years. 

This is your chance to rewrite your story and finally feel alive, appreciated and free. 

Finally, learn how to take control of your life, feel confident, and live with inner peace—all in just 6 weeks.

What You Can Look Forward To:

  • Clarity and Confidence: Stop overthinking and worrying about everything.
  • Freedom from Fear: Let go of the fears and restlessness holding you back.
  • Emotional Control: Stop feeling overwhelmed by your emotions.
  • Better Sleep and Health: Say goodbye to sleepless nights and stress.

Imagine waking up every day with a clear mind, feeling in control, and ready to take on whatever comes your way. That’s what’s waiting for you.

What if the answer to everything holding you back was sitting in your subconscious mind, ready to be released? 

You’ve tried everything else, but what if the easiest solution is the one you’ve never thought to explore. 

I 've been where you are. I struggled with anxiety for years and nothing helped - until I discovered the power of the subconscious mind. I've packed everything into this program, so you don't have to waste years like I did. 

Success Stories

““ I started seeing Susan during a stressful period in my life, chiefly to help address the tremendous amount of anxiety I was having around public speaking, as well as to work on my tendency toward perfectionism. When I first met Susan, I was finding it difficult to speak up in meetings at work, and was faced with the challenge of speaking at a very large conference. I felt completely overwhelmed. Susan not only gave me tools for dealing with the physical symptoms and mental anguish I experienced around public speaking, she also helped me unpack how my perfectionism was affecting my daily life. After only a short time, I was feeling much more capable of handling the stressors in my life, so much so that my partner and others around me were remarking on the difference. I am much kinder to myself now, and I can’t express how much freer I feel in my life because of that change. I highly recommend Susan’s help with tackling any anxiety issue, and for perfectionism in particular.” — Recovered Perfectionist, 53 years old”

Recovered Perfectionist

“I only wish I would have done it sooner… Susan, for as long as I can remember I had been struggling with self sabotage and critical thinking. I ruined many amazing opportunities due to this fear of success and failure. I felt lost and empty. Your program was completely transformational and worth every cent! I only wish I would have done it sooner. Even during the program, I couldn’t imagine how changed I would be in a short time. My aches and pains have disappeared, I am in much better physical condition than I have been in a long time, my stress levels have decreased significantly, and I am able to enjoy time off, especially with my family. I feel confident, happy, and excited about the future.” Chris, 42, New York”

“Taking control of your future Meeting Susan was a game-changer for me. After struggling silently for far too long, I decided to take the leap and seek her guidance. In just one session, Susan unlocked a transformational experience within me. It felt like she peeled away layers of negative thoughts that had been clouding my mind for years, allowing me to see things from a fresh perspective. I’m now embracing life as a completely new person, armed with the tools Susan has equipped me with. If you’re hesitating, don’t wait any longer – Susan’s expertise can truly change your life. Mr. A. ”

““I began working with Susan Urban after suffering through one of life’s worst seasons of depression, fearfulness, and anxiety. I was desperate for a change. I was considering therapy but not looking forward to digging around in my mind for painful memories and emotions. As a young man, I had embraced and prospered mentally and career-wise using techniques that Susan utilizes. Through the trials of life, I had forgotten about the powerfulness of these techniques. I highly recommend Susan and the work she does. She is a brilliant transformation coach/therapist. If you do the work and embrace the tools she offers, you will experience positive changes in your outlook on life. I have noticed that I look forward to continuing to learn, grow and change. Such a welcome experience. I can’t thank you enough. Just what I was looking for. You have shown such care and patience. It’s almost overwhelming, not in a bad sense, but in a joyful sense. You’ve done some amazing work in with me and I’m looking to continue to grow. Best I’ve felt in at least a year. “ — Scott Erwin, MBA, CPA, Author – Life is a Ballet”

“I feel more confident, happy, fulfilled and focused “Susan has left an enduring, positive impact on my life and I can’t thank her enough. I participated in the Total Transformation program and through the online learning and personal coaching sessions I’m more confident, happy, fulfilled and focused. I even quit drinking, which is not something I even anticipated going into the program. I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to get more out of life or perform at a level you wouldn’t have thought possible.” Thanks, Ethan”

“Life changing!!! “Going through Susan’s program has completely changed my life. It put me on a path of self discovery, self love, healing and helped me focus on what is most important – myself, my family and my purpose in this life.” Julie N., Financial Manager, St. Louis”

Get Full Support – Personal Coaching + Course

Ready to take charge and achieve lasting transformation? Choose this option for full support with personalized coaching. Get hands-on guidance, accountability, and expert insights to ensure you break through any barriers and reach your goals faster. Don’t just take the course—experience the journey with one-on-one coaching and tailored feedback every step of the way! ONLY $997

Self-Paced Course – Learn at Your Own Speed

Prefer to go at your own pace? This option gives you the entire program with lifetime access, allowing you to work through it when it suits you. You’ll get all the tools and strategies you need for success, while enjoying the freedom to learn on your own terms. Perfect for those who want flexibility and are ready to take charge of their own transformation! ONLY $297

Why This Program is Different:

You’ve probably tried other things before—therapy, journaling, meditation, self help books and programs, coping techniques, maybe even medications. 

But nothing really worked, right? This program works because we dig deep into what’s causing your anxiety and change it from the inside out.

Ready to Break Free from Anxiety?

Picture yourself 6 weeks from now—feeling calm, confident, and in control of your life. That’s what you can expect.

Don’t wait another day. Let's get started.

It’s time to leave anxiety behind and step into a brighter future.

But that's not all...

This isn’t just any program—it’s designed to help you deeply reprogram your subconscious mind. We get to the root of your anxiety, clear it out, and replace it with confidence, focus, and inner peace.

✅ Weekly Coaching: Personal sessions with me to guide you through each step.

✅ Subconscious Reprogramming: Learn how to change negative beliefs that cause anxiety.

✅ Daily Tools & Routines: Simple practices to reinforce your progress and keep you on track.

✅ Healthy Habits: From nutritional tips to calming exercises, I’ll show you how to support your body and mind.

✅ 24/7 Support: You’ll have access to me and a community of others on the same journey.

Here is your simple step-by-step plan: 

🔥 Week 1: Build a Fire Under Your Desire and Achieve a Bulletproof Mindset

Ready to spark serious change? In Week 1, we’ll ignite your motivation and help you build a mindset so strong, nothing can shake it. You’ll discover how to silence that inner critic and self-doubt, tap into your inner strength, and finally take charge of your life. Imagine walking through life with unshakable confidence—this is where it starts.

❤️ Week 2: Master Your Emotions and Triggers

Ever feel like your emotions control you? In Week 2, you’ll learn how to take the wheel. We’ll dive into practical tools to understand and master your emotional triggers. No more overreactions, no more emotional rollercoasters—just calm and control, no matter what life throws your way.

🌟 Week 3: Turn Past Scars into Stars

Your past doesn’t define you—it can fuel your future. In Week 3, we’ll take those painful experiences and transform them into the very things that make you stronger, wiser, and unstoppable. By the end of this week, you’ll be able to look at your past with pride, not pain.

😉 Week 4: The Power of Subconscious Beliefs

Did you know most of your thoughts and actions come from your subconscious? In Week 4, we’ll unlock the hidden power of your mind. You’ll learn how to reprogram your subconscious beliefs, so they work for you instead of against you. Say goodbye to negative self-talk and hello to a new, empowered you.

🍎 Week 5: The Ultimate Guide to Nourish Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Feeling your best isn’t just mental—it’s physical too. In Week 5, we’ll dive into how to fuel your body for mental clarity and emotional balance. From simple nutrition tips to powerful mind-body exercises, you’ll learn how to take care of yourself holistically, so you feel amazing inside and out.

🙌 Week 6: Your Bright Future Is Here

This is it—Week 6 is where it all comes together. You’ll have a clear vision of your future, and you’ll feel ready to take it on with confidence and peace. No more looking back, no more anxiety holding you down. Your bright, fearless future is waiting—and you’re finally ready to step into it.

Each week is designed to give you real, lasting results that will transform your life. 

This isn’t just about learning—it’s about doing and becoming. 

If you’re ready to say goodbye to anxiety and hello to a life of confidence and peace, this program is for you!


Get Full Support – Personal Coaching + Course

Ready to take charge and achieve lasting transformation? Choose this option for full support with personalized coaching. Get hands-on guidance, accountability, and expert insights to ensure you break through any barriers and reach your goals faster. Don’t just take the course—experience the journey with one-on-one coaching and tailored feedback every step of the way!

OR... Chose the Self-Paced Course – Learn at Your Own Speed

Prefer to go at your own pace? This option gives you the entire program with lifetime access, allowing you to work through it when it suits you. You’ll get all the tools and strategies you need for success, while enjoying the freedom to learn on your own terms. Perfect for those who want flexibility and are ready to take charge of their own transformation!

Why this is the best course ever

  • Fast, Lasting Results: Experience rapid, powerful relief from anxiety in just a few weeks. Notice real transformation without the long, drawn-out process.

  • Proven, Science-Backed Methods: We combine cutting-edge hypnotherapy techniques with proven psychological strategies that work at the subconscious level, creating lasting change and helping you regain control over your life, health, and happiness.

  • Personalized Support and Guidance: Not only do you get the course, but I also provide 6 personalized one-on-one hypnotherapy and coaching sessions to ensure you achieve total mastery over anxiety. This personalized approach guarantees you get the attention and guidance you need to succeed.


  • How quickly will I see results from this course?

    You can expect to experience noticeable relief after just one week. The course is designed to deliver fast, effective results.

  • What makes this course different from other anxiety solutions?

    This course is unique because it combines advanced hypnotherapy and neuroscience techniques with practical strategies that target your subconscious mind, where anxiety is often rooted. You'll experience deep, lasting change—faster than traditional methods.

  • Do I need prior experience with hypnotherapy?

    No experience is necessary! This course is easy to follow, even for beginners. Each session is designed to guide you step-by-step through powerful techniques that work for anyone, no matter where you're starting from.

  • Is this course safe?

    Yes, hypnotherapy is a safe and natural way to address anxiety. It works by helping you reprogram negative thought patterns and behaviors at a deep level. The techniques in this course are gentle and highly effective.

  • Will this course help with severe anxiety?

    Absolutely! This course has been developed to address anxiety at all levels, whether you're dealing with mild stress or severe, long-term anxiety. You'll have the support and tools to make a real, lasting change.

  • What kind of support will I receive?

    Along with the online course, you'll receive 6 one-on-one sessions with me to ensure you're getting personalized guidance and support throughout your journey. ( this is for you, if you sign up with the personalized support)

  • How long will I have access to the course?

    Once you purchase the course, you’ll have lifetime access. This means you can revisit the lessons and strategies anytime you need, ensuring you maintain control over your anxiety long-term.

  • What if the course doesn't work for me?

    I’m confident in the effectiveness of this course, and have many testimonials to support that. If you are willing to show up and do the work the way it is mapped out, you will achieve great results. Your success and satisfaction are my top priorities.

Meet your coach

Susan Urban

Transformational Hypnotherapist

I am truly passionate about helping you achieve the change you've been seeking - quickly and easily. Whether you are looking to break a habit, gain confidence, or simply take control of your life, my methods work fast, efficiently, and are designed to give you the lasting results you have been searching for. I can't wait to be part of your journey and help you create the life you want. I am excited to work with you soon - let's make it happen together!

Anxiety Freedom Accelerator

This option includes your full 6-week course plus personalized, hands-on support, guiding you step-by-step through your transformation.

Anxiety Freedom Essentials

This option offers the full 6-week course but without personalized support. It's designed for those who want to work through the program at their own pace but still want all the tools and resources to overcome anxiety.

Hello from Susan Urban

Your favorite personal coach and hypnotherapist

I am truly passionate about helping you achieve the change you've been seeking - quickly and easily. Whether you are looking to break a habit, gain confidence, or simply take control of your life, my methods work fast, efficiently, and are designed to give you the lasting results you have been searching for. I can't wait to be part of your journey and help you create the life you want. I am excited to work with you soon - let's make it happen together!